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Drug Interactions heart

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Drug interactions occur when one drug alters the effects of other drugs. Altered drug action can be more or less reactive. Individual reactions vary. Factors that can affect offspring among other properties, liver and kidney function, age (which is the most sensitive babies and people aged over 50 years), presence or absence of a disease, the amount of drug used, duration of treatment, the time between the use of two drugs, and which drugs are used initially. Therefore their effects may not mean anything to anyone but very dangerous for others. The basic thing that should be realized is that the hazard may occur.
Drugs taken through four basic processes in the body. From the mouth, to the stomach medicine, and then to the intestines. Here the drug is absorbed into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body so that it appears the effect. Drugs or dimetabolisis then described by the liver. Finally, a form of medicine that has been described, is excreted in the urine through the kidneys. On drug interactions, a drug other drugs that change in one or more pharmacological processes. This type of interaction is called pharmacokinetic interactions. The other main type of interaction is a pharmacologic interaction. On this type, the effect of a drug will increase (synergism) or reduce the effects of other drugs (antagonism) effects of the second drug.

Classification of Cardiac Drugs and Drug Interactions
The most common heart disorder occurs is angina, cardiac arrhythmias, and withered heart. Pain angina occurs when the heart does not receive enough oxygenated blood. This occurs when blood flow through a coronary artery is blocked, usually due to blockage of that line the inside of the arteries. This unpleasant situation usually occurs when the heart has to work harder, such as the physical fatigue and emotional stress.
Irregular heartbeat is normal heart rhythm disorders. There are many different types of arrhythmias, namely fibrillation, cardiac flutter, palpitation, premature beats, and paroxysmal takhikardia (very fast heart rate).
Wilting occurs when the heart fails to pump blood the heart immediately after blood entry. This causes blood to accumulate in the lungs so that the breath will be short and to accumulation of fluid in body tissues. Cardiac drugs are grouped into 6 sections, namely:

1. Angina drug
Angina drug reduces angina pain by improving blood supply and oxygen to the heart. Name angina drug patent (generic name in parentheses):
Ø Cardilate (eritritil tetranitrate)
Ø Duotrate (pentaerythritol tetranitrate)
Ø Isordil (isosorbida dinitrate)
Ø Nitro-BID (Nitroglycerin)
Ø Nitro-Dur (nitroglycerin, transmukosal)
Ø Persantine (dipiridamol)

2. Antiaritmika
 This drug normalize irregular heartbeat. Antiaritmika name drug patent (generic name in parentheses):
Ø Quinidex Extentabs (kinidin)
Ø Procan (prokainamida)
Ø Norpace (disopiramida)

3. Beta Blocker Heart Drug
 Beta blockers are drugs that a lot of heart function. In addition to eliminating the pain of angina and normalize the heart rate, the drug is also effective menurunksn blood pressure. Beta blockers are also used for other purposes such as to prevent migraine headaches. Names of beta blockers medicines patent (generic name in parentheses):
Ø Blocadren (timolol)
Ø Corgard (nadolol)
Ø Inderal (propranolol)
Ø Lopressor (metoprolol)
Ø Tenormin (atenolol)
Ø Visken (pindolol)

4. Cardiovascular Drugs Calcium Blocker
Calcium blocking drugs is the latest development of cardiovascular medicine. This drug can reduce angina pain that can not be addressed with other drugs. Verapamil is effective against certain types of cardiac arrhythmias. Name of calcium blocking drug patent (generic name in parentheses):
Ø Calan (verapamil)
Ø Cardizem (diltiazem)
Ø Isoptin (verapamil)
Ø Procardia (nifedipine)

5. Heart drug Digitalis
 Similar drug digitalis increase the power and efficiency of the heart and is used to treat heart wither and normalize irregular heartbeat. Name of the heart drug digitalis patent (generic name in parentheses):
Ø Crystodigin (digitoksin)
Ø Digifortis (digitalis)
Ø Lanoxin (digoxin)
Ø Purodigin (digitoksin)

6. Diuretics
 Diuretics remove excess body fluids and is often used to treat heart wither. Name drug patent diuretic (generic name in parentheses):
Ø Aldactone (spironolactone)
Ø Anhydron (siklotiazida)
Ø Aquatag (benztiazida)
Ø Aquatensin (metiklotiazida)
Ø Lasix (furosemide)
Ø Midamor (amiloride)
Ø Naqua (triklormetiazida)
Ø Zaroxolyn (metolazon)

Heart Drug Interactions

· Drug interactions angina / antiaritmika

Angina drug / antiaritmika - Beta Blocker
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low. As a result: postural hypotension with symptoms: dizziness, weakness, fainting, severe decrease in blood pressure which can lead to seizures or shock. Drug given beta blockers in angina, to normalize heart rate and to lower high blood pressure.

Angina drug / antiaritmika - Diuretics
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low. As a result: dizziness, weakness, fainting, severe decrease in blood pressure which can lead to seizures or shock. Diuretics remove excess fluid from the body and is used to treat high blood pressure and heart withered.

Angina drug / antiaritmika - high blood pressure medicine
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low. As a result: dizziness, weakness, fainting, severe decrease in blood pressure which can lead to seizures or shock. High blood pressure medications are used to lower high blood pressure.

Angina drug - Alcohol (beer, liquor, wine, etc.)
This combination can cause blood press down too low. As a result: postural hypotension with accompanying symptoms: dizziness, weakness, fainting, severe decrease in blood pressure which can lead to seizures or shock. This interaction can be minimized by reducing alcohol consumption.

Angina drug - vasodilators
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low. consequently; postural hypotension with accompanying symptoms: dizziness, weakness, fainting, severe decrease in blood pressure which can lead to seizures or shock. Vasodilators dilate blood vessels and is used to treat circulatory disorders, such as arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Antiaritmika - Antidepressants (type cyclic)
This combination can cause adverse effects on the heart. As a result: the possibility of cardiac arrhythmias. Antidepressants are used to reduce mental depression and improve mood. Note: antidepressants trazadon (Desyrel) do not interact.

Disopiramida - Phenytoin
Disopiramida effects can be reduced. As a result: irregular heartbeat that can not be controlled. Phenytoin is used to control seizures in disorders such as epilepsy.

Prokainamida - Antacids
Prokainamida effect can be increased. As a result: too many prokainamida can lower blood pressure, heart clogging (reduces nerve transmission required for irregular heartbeat) or has a very irregular heartbeat called ventricular fibrillation dangerous.

Kinidin - Antacids
Effects can kinidin msningkat. As a result: too many kinidin can lower blood pressure, heart clogging (megganggu nerve transmission required for irregular heartbeat), or has a very irregular heartbeat called ventricular fibrillation dangerous.

Kinidin - Anticoagulants
Anticoagulant effect can be increased. Anticoagulants are used to thin the blood and prevent clotting. As a result: increased risk of bleeding. Reported symptoms such as bruising or bleeding in the body, stool black.

Kinidin - Barbiturates
Kinidin effect can be increased. As a result: irregular heartbeat that can not be controlled. Barbiturate used as a sedative or sleeping pills.

Kinidin - Digoxin (Lanoxin)
Effects of digoxin may increase. Digoxin is used to treat heart rate and to normalize irregular heartbeat. As a result: possible adverse effects akibt too much digoxin. Al reported symptoms of nausea, vision problems, headaches, lethargic, no appetite, confusion, bradycardia or tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias.

 Kinidin - Phenytoin
Kinidin effects can be reduced. As a result: irregular heartbeat that can not be controlled. Phenytoin is used to mngendalikan seizures in disorders such as epilepsy.
· Beta blockers heart drug interactions

Beta blockers - Alcohol
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low. As a result: postural hypotension with accompanying symptoms: dizziness, weakness, fainting; severe drop in blood pressure which can lead to seizures or shock. This interaction can be minimized by reducing alcohol consumption.

Beta blockers - Amphetamines
Effects of beta blockers resisted. As a result: disorders treated with beta blockers can not be controlled. This combination can also be paradoxical increase in blood pressure dangerous with symptoms such as fever, headache, visual disturbances,. Amphetamines are used as a slimming pill (not recommended), to address behavior problems in children and for narcolepsy.

Beta blockers - drugs angina / antiaritmika
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low. As a result: postural hypotension with accompanying symptoms: dizziness, weakness, fainting; severe drop in blood pressure which can lead to seizures or shock.

Beta blockers - Antacids
Effects of beta blockers can be reduced. As a result: the condition can not be handled properly controlled.

Beta blockers - Antidepressants (Janis MAO)
This combination can cause a significant rise in blood pressure. Al reported symptoms irregular heartbeat, fever, headache, visual disturbances. Imao antidepressants are useful to reduce mental depression and improve mood is not used much anymore since developed type of cyclic antidepressants such as Elavil and Sinequan.

Beta blockers - Antidepressants (type cyclic)
Eek beta blockers can be reduced. As a result: a heart condition that could not be handled properly controlled. Antidepressants are used to reduce mental depression and improve mood.

Beta blockers - antipsychotics
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low and the effect of beta blockers may increase. Symptoms of low blood pressure are reported al dizziness, weakness, fainting. Akkibat reported symptoms of beta blockers is too much: bradycardia, fatigue, heart arrhythmia, breathing berdengik as in asthma or breathing difficulties. Antipsychotics is a major trankulansia used to treat severe mental disorders like schizophrenia. Generally, a class of phenothiazine antipsychotics.

Beta blockers - medicines Asthma
Effect of theophylline on asthma will be resisted. Asthma medication is used to open the airways in the lungs and make breathing asthma patients. As a result: the bronchial tract can not open wide enough to cope with an asthma attack.

Beta blockers - Barbiturates
Effects of beta blockers can be reduced. As a result: conditions treated by beta blockers can not be controlled.

Beta blockers - Preparations flu / cough lozenges containing nasal
Effects of beta blockers may be resisted. As a result: conditions treated by beta blockers can not be controlled. Medicinal preparations containing nasal decongestant Idung can be absorbed into the bloodstream and can cause interactions.

Beta blockers - drugs diabetes
This combination may increase or reduce the effects of diabetes drugs. As a result: if the effects of diabetes drugs increased, blood sugar levels can drop too low. symptoms of hypoglycemia were reported, which will be more apparent on physical activity or sport: sweating, anxiety, fainting, fatigue, confusion, cardiac arrhythmias, takhikardia, bleary, and vision problems. If the effects of diabetes drugs reduced blood sugar levels will remain too high. Reported symptoms of hyperglycemia: extreme thirst, urine output much, weight loss, hunger, lethargy, drowsiness and bleary-eyed. Heart medication beta blockers used for angina, normalize irregular heartbeats and help lower blood pressure.

Beta blockers - slimming pills (drug-free) containing phenylpropanolamine
Effects of beta blockers may be resisted. As a result: conditions treated by beta blockers tk can be well controlled. Phenylpropanolamine is a nasal decongestant that is a major component in the counter slimming pills due to side effects which can suppress appetite.

Beta blockers - vasodilators
This combination can cause blood pressure to drop too low. As a result: postural hypotension with accompanying symptoms: dizziness, weakness, fainting; severe drop in blood pressure that would cause seizures or shock. Vasodilators dilate blood vessels and is used to treat disorders caused by poor blood circulation, such arterioskerosis.

· Digitalis Drug Interactions

Digitalis group - Amphetamines
This combination can lead to cardiac arrhythmias. Amphetamines are used as a slimming pill (not recommended), to address behavior problems in children, and to markolepsi.

Digitalis group - Asthma medication (epinephrine group)
This combination can lead to cardiac arrhythmias. Asthma medication is used to open the airways of the lungs and make breathing bronchial asthma.

Digitalis group - Preparations flu / cough lozenges containing nasal
This combination can lead to cardiac arrhythmias. Nasal decongestant preparations can be absorbed into the blood and cause interactions Liran.

Digitalis group - slimming pills (without a prescription) that contain phenylpropanolamine
This combination can lead to cardiac arrhythmias. Phenylpropanolamine is a nasal decongestant that is a major component in the counter slimming pills, because the side effects dapay suppress appetite.

Digitalis group - Diuretics
This combination can be detrimental to the heart. Diuretics remove excess fluid in the body and used the heart rate and high blood pressure. Generally diuretics reduce the body's potassium levels. Lack of potassium causes the heart to become very sensitive to digitalis and increased risk of digitalis toxicity with symptoms: nausea, confusion, visual disturbances, headaches, lack of energy, no appetite, bradycardia, takhikardia, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Digitalis group - Laxatives
This combination can be detrimental to the heart. Laxative reduce body potassium. Lack of potassium causes the heart is very sensitive to digitalis and increased risk of digitalis toxicity with symptoms: nausea, confusion, visual disturbances, headaches, lack of energy, no appetite, bradikardai, takhikardia, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Digitoksin - Barbiturates
Digitoksin effects can be reduced. As a result: a heart condition that can be dealt with digitoksin not well controlled.

Digoxin (Lanoxin) - Antacids
Effects of digoxin may be reduced. As a result: a heart condition that can be dealt with digitoksin not well controlled.

Digoxin (Lanoxin) - methyldopa (Aldomet, Aldoril)
This combination can be detrimental to the heart. Methyldopa is used to treat high blood pressure. Symptoms reported al bradycardia, dizziness, fainting, confusion, and forgetfulness.

Digoxin (Lanoxin) - Antibiotics tetracycline
Digoksi effect can be increased. As a result: adverse side effects can occur from too much digoxin. Al reported symptoms of nausea, confusion, visual disturbances, headaches, lack of energy, no appetite, bradycardia, takhikardia, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Cardiovascular medicine calcium blockers - Beta Blocker
This combination can be detrimental to the heart. If the two drugs are given together, the physician should carefully monitor their effects on patients. Beta blockers used to treat heart problems and high blood pressure.

Calcium blockers - digoxin
Digoksi effect can be increased. As a result: adverse side effects can occur from too much digoxin. Al reported symptoms: nausea, confusion, visual disturbances, headaches, lack of energy, no appetite, bradycardia, takhikardia, and cardiac arrhythmias.

Medicinal plants Heart Disease
 Plants are used by humans for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. In this approach it is stated that, interference with one of the organs will cause an imbalance of other organs. If the balance of the body's problems can not be resolved, then there will be health problems. Treatment performed by healers aims to help the natural healing and restore the health of people in balanced conditions, not only eliminate the symptoms.
 The main principle of treatment with medicinal plants is important to use total plant extracts, not pure or artificial substance isolation of certain specific functions, especially synthetic materials. Constituent chemical diversity in plants can result in extensive activity in the body. The chemical compound will work together so as to eliminate possible side effects and may provide the ability to work in unison. Thus, the amount of compound required relatively little compared pemakaina single compound.
 A number of plants are scattered in nature containing steroid glycosides with 23 or 24 carbon atoms which can strengthen the effect on the heart is weakened.
 In the plants, cardiac glycosides present in seed plants. Commonly found in many parts Apocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae, but also found in some plants Liliaceae, Ranunculaceae, and Euphorbiaceae.
· Apocynaceae tribes, such as: pulasari (Alyxia stellate A)
· Liliaceae tribes, such as: Garlic (Allium sativum L) and onion (Allium cepa L)
· Ranunculaceae tribes, such as black cumin (Nigella sativum)
· Euphorbiaceae tribe, such as: Meniran (Phyllantus niruri L)

Plant Interactions with Cardiovascular Drugs
· Concomitant administration of ergot alkaloids and potentially cause coronary vasospasm may aggravate angina.

· Lisinopril if combined with garlic (can increase the antihypertensive effect)
· Ginseng (aggravate hypertension).
· Increased vasodilator effects and side effects including severe hypotension and myocardial ischemia may occur when used with nifedipine grapefruit.

Cardiovascular Drug Interactions Plants
· Allii nightingale sativa (garlic)

 Aliin mangandung fresh tubers from 0.2 to 1.0%. Aliin or S-allyl-L-Cysteine ​​is a compound soluble in water, and its chemical formula is (-)-5-allyl-L-Cysteine-solfoksida, which can be hydrolyzed by the enzyme activity alisin aliinliase form, ammonia, and acid ketoasetat.
 Aliin hemihidrat compound which is colorless and crystallized in the form of needles with acetone solvent. Molecule has two centers of asymmetry that can have four isomers, two of which were derived from L-Cysteine ​​and D-Cysteine ​​nature. The fourth isomer has to be synthesized and the one that is identical to the natural aliin is (-)-S-allyl-L-Cysteine ​​sulfoxide.
 Alisin unstable and can decompose during distillation or hydrolyzed by water or sodium carbonate to form polysulfide compounds, dialilsulfida, which cause the bad smell of essential oil. Hydrolysis decomposition that can be isolated is already trans compound - and / or cis-ajoen, 2-vinyl-[4H] -1,3-ditiin, 3-vinyl-[4H] -1,2-ditiin, dialiltrisulfida and metal- allyl-trisulfida.
· Allii cepae bulb (onion)
The main components of this bulb is compound oxide-S bond with amino acids, namely zikloaliin (levels up to 2%) and homologous propel-and / or propenyl-of aliin. In the enzymatic dissociation can occur storage form tiosulfinat acid ester, sulfinildisulfida (sepain), di-and polysulfide, and tiopen. The smell of the bulbs was caused by the presence of substances propantial-S-oxide, which causes eye pain and spend a lot of tears.
· Purpureae Folium Digitalis (Digitalis leaves)
 Of the digitalis leaf could have isolated more than 30 types of glycosides kardenolida with levels from 0.15 to 0.4%. Primary glycosides (purpurea glycoside A, purpurea glycoside B, and glukogitaloksin) all have genin at 3 C atoms form linear chains of group 3 digitoksosa sugar and topped with glucose. Active components dry matter of Digitalis purpurea is digitoksin (± 12%), as well as gitoksin, and gitaloksin (± 10%).

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