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Methampyrone, Thiamine HCL, Pyridoxine HCL, Cyanocobalamin, Trimethylxanthine
Each film coated caplet contains :
Thiamine HCL
Pyridoxine HCL
500   mg
  50   mg
  10   mg
  10 mcg
  50   mg

Methampyrone is a potent nonnacrcotic analgesic - antipyretic drug. It is a pyrazolon derivative with therapeutic efficacy equivalent to that of acetosal, the standard drug for the nonnarcotic analgesic - antipyretic class. It causes less gastric irritation than acetosal and does not produce the acid - base or metabolic effects of salicylate.
However, it has been implicated for many years to cause a high incidence of agranulocytosis. An epidemiologic study of international scale involving about 30 milion people had been especially designed to study this matter. 
The study was completed just recently and the results showed that methampyrone, in fact, accounted for only a very low incidence of agranulocytosis.
Trimethylxanthine is commonly added to an analgesic as an analgesic adjuvant. in a dose of 50 mg or more, trimethylxanthine has been shown to enhance the analgesic efficacy of acetosal and acetaminophen ; in this case methampyrone should not be an exception.

Relief of mild to severe pain, such as headache especially tension headache, hyalgia, arthralgia, neuralgia, lumbago, toothache, menstrual pain, pain from cancer, biliary and renal colic, postpartum pain, postoperative pain.

  1. Hypersensitivity to methampyrone and other nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs.
  2. Concomitant administration with chlorpromazine (may result in serious hypothermia).
  1. Use with caution in : 

.   Peptic ulcer (active/history).
.   hemostatic defects (avoid) or anticoagulant therapy.
  severe liver disease.
.   pregnancy (not recommended) especially late pregnancy.
.   nursing mother (not recommended).
.   infants.
.   history of blood dyscrasia.

     2.  Discontinyye the drug if the following develops :
  • fever, sore throat or stomatitis (may indicate agranulocytosis, hematologic evaluation shourd be performed)
  • evidence of peptic ulceration or gastrointestinal bleeding.               
Adverse Reactions 
The most frequent are gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting, epigastric discomfort etc
Neuralgin Rx may also cause hypersensitivity reactions, e.g skin rashes and pruritus. Side effects occuring rarely are gastrointestinal bleeding and ulceration, leukopenia and agranulocytosis.

:   1    - 2 caplets  3 to 4 times daily
:   1/2 - 1 caplet   3 to  4 times daily 
If gastrointestinal discomfort occurs, administer NEURALGIN Rx with or after meals.

Box of 10 strips x 10 film coated caplets.

Store below 30 Celcius


Manufactured by :
Bekasi - Indonesia 


Indikasi Salbutamol

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Kejang bronkus pada semua jenis asma bronkial, bronkitis kronis dan emphysema.

Tiap tablet mengandung salbutamol sulfat setara dengan salbutamol 2 mg
Tiap tablet mengandung salbutamol sulfat setara dengan salbutamol 4 mg
Tiap sendok takar (5ml) mengandung salbutamol sulfat 2,41 mg setara dengan salbutamol 2 mg
Cara Kerja
Salbutamol merupakan suatu senyawa yang selektif merangsang reseptor B2 adrenergik terutama pada otot bronkus. Golongan B2 agonis ini merangsang produksi AMP siklik dengan cara mengaktifkan kerja enzim adenil siklase. Efek utama setelah pemberian peroral adalah efek bronkodilatasi yang disebabkan terjadinya relaksasi otot bronkus. Dibandingkan dengan isoprenalin, salbutamol bekerja lebih lama dan lebih aman karena efek stimulasi terhadap jantung lebih kecil maka bisa digunakan untuk pengobatan kejang bronkus pada pasien dengan penyakit jantung atau tekanan darah tinggi.

Penderita yang hipersensitif terhadap obat ini
Dewasa (>12 tahun) : 2-4 mg, 3-4 kali sehari.
Dosis dapat dinaikan secara berangsur.
Untuk lansia diberikan dosis awal yang lebih rendah.
2-6 tahun : 1-2 mg, 3-4 kali sehari
6-12 tahun: 2 mg, 3-4 kali sehari.
Dewasa (>12 tahun): 1-2 sendok (5-10 ml), 3-4 kali sehari.
2-6 tahun: 1/2-1 sendok (0,25-5ml), 3-4 kali sehari
6-12 tahun: 1 sendok (5ml), 3-4 kali sehari.
Efek Samping
Pada dosis yang dianjurkan tidak ditemukan adanya efek samping yang serius. Pada pemakaian dosis besar dapat menyebabkan tremor halus pada otot skelet (biasanya pada tangan), palpitasi, kejang otot, takikardia, sakit kepala dan ketegangan. efek ini terjadi pada semua perangsangan adrenoreseptor beta. Vasodilator perifer, gugup, hiperaktif, epitaksis (mimisan), susah tidur.
Peringatan dan perhatian
  • Hati-hati bila diberikan pada penderita thyrotoxicosis, hipertensi, gangguan kardiovaskuler, hipertiroid dan diabetes melitus.
  • Meskipun tidak terdapat bukti teratogenitas sebaiknya penggunaaan salbutamol selama kehamilan trimester pertama, hanya jika benar-benar diperlukan.
  • Hati-hati penggunaan pada wanita menyusui karena kemungkinan diekskresi melalui air susu.
  • Hati-hati penggunaan pada anak kurang dari 2 tahun karena keamanannya belum diketahui dengan pasti.
  • Pemberian intravena pada pasien diabetik, perlu dimonitor kadar gula darah.
Interaksi Obat
  • Efek salbutamol dihambat oleh B2-antagonis.
  • Pemberian bersamaan dengan monoamin oksidase dapat menimbulkan hipertensi berat.
  • Salbutamol dan obat-obatan beta-blocker non-selektif seperti propranolol, tidak bisa diberikan bersamaan.
Over dosis
  • Tanda-tanda over dosis adalah tremor dan tachycardia. Pemberian suatu alpha-adrenergik bloker melalui injeksi intravena dan suatu beta-blocking agen peroral pada kasus asmaticus karena resiko konstriksi bronkus.
  • Hypokalemia.

Guazuma ulmifolia (Jati Belanda)

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Secara tradisional, daun jati belanda berkhasiat sebagai obat pelangsing tubuh dan menurunkan kadar lemak tubuh. Bijinya dapat digunakan sebagai obat sakit perut dan kembung serta buahnya dapat digunakan sebagai obat batuk.  Jati belanda juga dapat mengobati influenza (flu), pilek, disentri, luka dan patah tulang. Ekstrak dari daunya dapat menekan pertumbuhan bakteri Stapyulococcus aereus, shigella dysentria, dan bacillus subtilis

Madu Memiliki Ribuan Manfaat Untuk Tubuh

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Madu merupakan cairan kental yang memiliki rasa manis yang dihasilkan oleh lebah dan serangga (sumber Wikipedia). Dari dahulu sejak tahun 7000 sebelum masehi  sampai sekarang madu sudah diketahui oleh banyak orang sebagai obat atau suplemen makanan sehari-hari. Akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali orang yang membicarakan bahwa,  selain madunya sendiri madu memiliki sarang yang didalamnya terdapat propolis yang memiliki banyak sekali khasiat untuk penyembuhan berbagai macam penyakit. 

Madu, mengandung:
  • Glukosa dan Fruktosa " Sumber gizi dan energi
  • Asam Amino Esensial dan Non Esensial : Membentuk protein dalam tubuh dan mengoptimalkan fungsi otak.
  • Vitamin A, B2, B5, B6: Membantu pertumbuhan, mereproduksi hormon dan sel-sel darah serta mengatur fungsi kekebalan tubuh.
  • Magnesium, Fosfor dan Belerang: Membantu mengaktifkan fungsi refleksi sel, protein dan energi, serta metabolisme tubuh. Yodium dan fosfor: Membantu pertumbuhan tulang dan gigi.
  • Asam Folat dan Besi (Fe): Membantu proses pembentukan sel darah merah (hemoglobin).
  • Mangan dan Asam Organik (Asam Malat, Tratarat, Sitrat, Laktat, dan Oksalat): Anti Oksidan dan Antibiotik.
  • Lysozyme (Inhibine) dan Laktobasilin : Anti bakteri dan membantu menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker dan tumor.
  • Dan masih banyak lagi kegunaan lainnya.

Ramuan Penghilang Rasa Sakit Ketika Buang Air Kecil

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pecah beling Ramuan Hilangkan Rasa Sakit Waktu Buang Air Kecil
Pecah Beling

Bahan-bahannya :
- 10 lembar daun pecah-beling
- Air sepanci kecil

Cara membuatnya :
Ambillah 10 lembar daun pecah-beling. Daun ini mudah didapat, biasa tumbuh di berbagai tempat. Kemudian rebuslah daun itu dengan sepanci kecil
air. Biarkan sampai mendidih benar, lalu angkatlah dari atas api, Setelah itu dinginkan dulu kira-kira 2 jam, barulah air rebusan daun pecah-beling itu diminum segelas setiap pagi, siang dan sore. Tetapi untuk besoknya, anda harus rnerebus lagi daun pecah beling tersebut sebanyaK 10 lembar lagi.

Laksanakan setiap hari meminum air rebusan ini. Niscaya pinggang anda akan kuat dan tak terasa sakit lagi, begitupun buang air kecil anda akan lancar tanpa ada rasa sakit.

How to Get a Brighter Skin Tone And Tips To Get Fresh Skin

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Since the beginning of history, white, pale skin has always been highly adored, especially if it is unblemished and smooth. Not all of us are gifted with this kind of skin tone, but there are now ways of making it happen, thanks to the breakthroughs in skin care technology.
Skincare needed for white complexion
It is true that it is a lot more difficult to lighten skin than to darken them. Summer escapades in the beach, prolonged sunlight exposure - they can easily darken your skin for that wonderful tan. But when it comes to skin lightening, we will need to use products that are potent in their whitening properties.
The problem with skin lightening products is that they contain many harsh chemicals such as hydroquinone and acids, which bring the skin a lot more harm than good. If you want an effective way of achieving pale skin without the danger of side effects, make sure you go natural.
Yes to chemical-free whitening product
A New Zealand-based company producing natural skin and health supplements has developed a whitening skin care that can help lighten the skin in a chemical-free natural way. The main ingredient is a special extract called Extrapone Nutgrass which has been found to be a very effective alternative to harsh chemicals present in whitening creams in the market today. It is clinically proven to naturally inhibit melanin production, which is responsible for skin darkening. Clinical trials have revealed that this extract can reduce melanin by up to 40% with only 28 days of use.
Benefits of extrapone nutgrass
Extrapone nutgrass does not only lighten the skin to give a pale complexion but it also provides the following benefits:
- It helps get rid of unwanted age spots that come with age due to exposure to sunlight
- It can even out the skin tone for a brighter complexion
- It helps get rid of freckles, scars and other skin discoloration
What makes it even better is that nutgrass can promote skin lightening without any negative, harmful side effects. They can be used regularly as part of your daily skin care regimen.
Keratin for skin lightening
Another important ingredient for skin lightening is functional keratin. If you want to whiten and at the same time have a head start on the signs of aging, keratin should be part of your skin care routine. This natural compound helps boost your body's own capacity for skin renewal and stimulates the regrowth of collagen and elastin, both of which are important for maintaining firmness and elasticity.
There is now an easy, safe, chemical-free and non-surgical way of gaining the beautiful pale skin of your dreams, thanks to scientific skin care breakthroughs led by skin care companies. Now you know what to look for the next time you shop for a whitening cream.

Are you having a difficulty achieving fresh and vibrant skin? You are not alone. Millions of people out there have trouble getting rid of their dry and dull complexion due to chronic stress, cumulative exposure to the sun and poor diet.
This is the best time to start learning how to get fresh and vibrant skin all the time without spending a lot of time and money. Here are some effective tips for you:
1. Regularly exfoliate your skin.
Exfoliating is actually the key in getting rid of dull complexion. Our skin turns dull and mottled because of the impurities and dead skin cells locked in the pores. Cleansing alone will not work in ridding your skin of these impurities. You have to use a good exfoliating treatment.
I suggest using sea salt. If the granules are too big, try grinding them first until the granules become similar to the consistency of brown sugar. You can add lime juice to this. Apply it on your damp skin. Gently massage it all over your skin using a circular motion. Sea salt actually contains a lot of minerals that can also revive and rejuvenate your dermis. Lemon juice gets rid of dull complexion. It can make your skin appear brighter.
2. Control the shine on your face.
If you think your face is too shiny, you can try using yogurt facial mask. It helps control sebum production. After washing your face, apply yogurt. You can also try adding mashed strawberry to this mask. It has antioxidative properties that can improve the functions of cells. Let the mask sit on your skin for about an hour before washing it off.
3. Drink lots of water and orange juice.
Water replenishes dehydrated cells and tissues. Orange juice infuses vitamin C in your system. This vitamin can lift away the paleness of your skin tone. It can help your skin achieve a certain glow. It also works in preventing the decline of collagen production.
4. Moisturize your skin.
Many people only use moisturizers at night. However, it is important to keep your skin hydrated day and night to minimize skin damages. If your skin is starting to look old and wrinkly, try using a natural anti aging moisturizer that has been loaded with CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Manuka Honey.
CynergyTK is a good source of keratin. Keratin is needed to properly produce collagen and elastin in the body. It also helps improve the firmness and resilience of your dermis. Phytessence Wakame is what you need to preserve natural hyaluronic acid levels. This acid is needed to lubricate collagen fibers. Manuka honey is a moisturizing ingredient. It can lock moisture in skin tissues. It also has humectant properties that can mimic the moisture produced by the dermis.

Are you looking for tips on how to get a brighter natural skin tone? A less radiating skin can result from a number of factors including hormonal changes, chlorine in water, sun, or sweat. A brighter complexion is what almost everyone would like to have. You must be eyeing for a gorgeous look that always seems appealing and beautiful. However, it can't be achieved overnight, but simple steps will get you there. You only need to know and practice plain tactics in taking good care of your skin. Here they are:
Wash daily: this will eliminate dirt that accumulates as we go about our daily activities. Washing your face at bedtime is an ideal part of the plan. It will remove the makeup which can clog with dirt and block pores giving a dull appearance the next day.
Keep off your face: your hands are usually oily and this can make your face to erupt with acne if you constantly fuss with it. Change your pillowcases regularly to keep off bacteria. Ensure that your hair hardly comes in to contact with your face as it may contain some oils. Avoid pricking pimples as this will only make an infection worse causing scars.
Use a skin toner: it helps in the elimination of excess oils and dirt from your skin which the soap could have skipped. Apply using a soft cloth of a cotton ball swiping it gently on your skin. Don't use the stronger types of toners unless your skin is the excessively oily skin type. Apply toner on skin surfaces that tend to break quite often.
Use a moisturizer: it should be a primer for your makeup so that it can stick all day. Go for the moisturizer that has SPF to keep your skin nourished and protect it against the harmful sun rays. Use a moisturizer at night to give your skin time to repair itself and eliminate wrinkles. Avoid the mistake of failing to apply the moisturizer around your neck and décolletage.
Take plenty of water: water not only makes your skin clear, but it also helps in the elimination of toxins. Aim for a minimum of 8 glasses each day to clear your skin and make it glow. Make sure you have access to water at anytime or carry a bottle with you while on the go.
Eat healthy diet: according to dermatologists, healthy proteins, veggies, and fruits are essential for skin. They provide important elements that make your skin glow. Consider omega 3 fatty acids usually found in fish and walnuts. Ensure you consume plenty of vitamin C which has antioxidant effects that slows down the skin aging process.
Exercise regularly: have a routine workout plan to burn extra fats stored under the skin. By exercising, the sweat that comes out aids in the removal of toxins as well as in the opening of skin pores. Cardio also promotes blood circulation which is essential for delivery of nutrients to the skin and other body organs.
Exfoliate twice a week: through exfoliation, dead skin cells are removed. You will thus create a room for new healthy cells to thrive. You can use exfoliation creams, lotions, or a skin brush to exfoliate a minimum of two times in a week.
Avoid sunlight: even though you regularly use a sunscreen, avoid direct exposure to the sunlight especially between 3AM and 3PM when it scorches. Wear a hat if you have to go out. This will protect your skin from harmful sun rays that can cause blotching robbing you of that bright skin tone.
Spa treatment: pamper your skin with a steam bath at least once in a week. You can also do it using a bowl with hot water containing lavender, tea or rose leaves for about 5 minutes. After this, splash it with cold water, then apply a toner and finally a moisturizer. This cleans your pores giving you a glowing look.

You will definitely start noticing a change in the tone of your skin a few weeks from when you start enacting the discussed tips. Make sure to stick to them since making any mistakes can take you back to the start. With these simple and easy tips, you will be awed by how bright toned and radiant your skin will turn in a while. Get a bright skin tone, look beautiful, and feel loved.
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