Reactions of Carbon Compounds

Studied several aspects related to the reactions of carbon compounds such as addition reactions, esterification, redox, polymerization, and yodoform.
Chemical reactions on carbon compounds can be classified into several types, including an addition reaction, esterification, polymerization, yodoform, redox reactions, substitution and elimination reactions. At this trial will be observed on addition reactions, polymerization, esterification, redox, and wherein each yodoform each has a characteristic reaction. Addition reaction is a coupling reaction of a compound with a specific reagent that accompanied changes in the bonding of these compounds as a double triple bond could be two or even a single double bond. Polymerization reaction is a reaction in which the chain extension unit that will polymerize compounds called monomers and the result is called a polymer composed of these monomers. esterification reaction is a reaction in which an ester bond formation in this experiment were made ​​from alcohols and esters of carboxylic acids using an acid catalyst. merupakanreaksi redox reaction between two substances where one substance is reduced and oxidised, usually accompanied by changes in the conditions solution as a precipitate, color change, change in pH, viscosity changes and others. reaction yodoform is haloform reaction or making halaform compounds. To yodoform means CHl3 compounds will be generated.
Types of Reactions
Addition Reactions
Polymerization reactions
The esterification reaction
Redox Reactions
Reaction Yodoform

1. Addition reactions

The tools are used:
Test tube
Measure glass
The materials used:
NaHSO3 solution
Procedure: In a test tube, insert 3 ml of ether and add 3 ml of acetone. Squirt into it 10 ml drops of saturated NaHSO3. Shake and observe the changes that occur.

2. Polymerization reaction 

The tools are used:
Test tube
Spiritus lights
Test tube clamp
Measuring cup
The materials used:
Acetaldehyde 1:1
2 M NaOH
Procedure: Into a test tube 2 ml acetaldehyde enter 1:1. Add to the tube was 2 ml 2 M NaOH solution Heat the tube slowly-slowly and observe the changes that occur.

3. Reaction pengesteran 

The tools are used:
Test tube
Spiritus lights
Measuring cup
Test tube clamp
The materials used:
Alcohol 50%
Acetic acid (CH3COOH) 6 M
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) acid
Procedure: Fill a test tube with 2 ml of 50% alcohol, 2 ml of 6 M acetic acid and 5 drops of concentrated H2SO4. Heat the test tube for a few minutes, then poured the contents into another test tube which was filled with 3 ml of water, the solution smell.

4. Redox reactions 

The tools are used:
5 test tubes. Tripod
Spirit lamp 6. Beaker
Measuring cup 7. Wire netting
The materials used:
Alcohol 50%
Potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) 0.1 M
Sulfuric acid (H2SO4) acid
Procedure: Fill a test tube with 2 ml of 50% alcohol, 3 drops of concentrated H2SO4 and 4 ml of solution (K2Cr2O7) 0.1 M. Close the test tube with a cork and place in a chemical elas containing hot water for several minutes. Observe the changes that occur and the smell of the solution.

5. Reaction yodoform

The tools are used:
4 test tubes. Tripod
Spirit lamp 5. Beaker
Measuring cup 6. Wire netting
The materials used:
Alcohol 50%
Solution of iodine (I2) 0.2 M
Solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
Procedure: Fill a test tube with 5 ml of 0.2 M I2 solution and 2 ml of alcohol pertetes Add drops of 0.1 M NaOH solution, until the solution is pale yellow. Close the test tube with a cork and put it into a beaker of hot water during a few minutes. Cold and observe the changes that occur. Smell the solution.

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