Chikungunya fever

Chikungunya fever is an endemic disease (applicable to the sector in the region or population often). Chikungunya virus was first identified in East Africa in 1952. Chikungunya comes from Shawill based on patient symptoms, which means (body position) twisted or curved, referring to the bent posture of the patient due to severe joint pain (arthralgia). The joint pain in the knees and ankle joints of the hands and feet.

Chikungunya fever is caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). CHIKV belongs to the family Togaviridae, alphavirus genus, and is transmitted by the mosquito Aedes aegypti.

Modes of Transmission
Chikungunya may be said to be 'brothers' with high fever and dengue denggi as transmitted by the same carrier Aedes aegypti and albopictus. The difference, if denggi dengue virus invade the bloodstream, Chikungunya virus attacks the joints and bones. Aedes mosquito bites a person who would normally have been infected by chikungunya virus and move blood to a healthy other prey.

Chikungunya symptoms-the clinical symptoms are very similar to denggi fever. Chikungunya typically starts with a sudden high fever that reached 390 ° C other symptoms such as chills, rash on legs, hands and body no appetite headache, red eyes, photophobia (sensitivity to light) and vomiting.

The main symptoms of Chikungunya disease is the body suddenly felt a fever followed by rheumatic pain in joints. In fact, because one typical symptom is the emergence of a sense of fatigue, pain, pain may also arise in the bones, there are named as bone fever or flu-bone. In some cases also found that infected patients without causing any symptoms at all or silent chikungunya virus.

This disease does not cause death. Pain in the joints will not cause paralysis. After over five days, the fever gradually subsided, feeling pain or pain in the joints and muscles is reduced, and the sufferer will recover to normal. Patients in some time and then can move her body as usual. Although in some cases the pain is still lagging sometimes for days to months. Usually this condition occurs in patients who previously had a history of frequent bone pain and muscle.

To obtain an accurate diagnosis needs some serologic tests such as obstacle agglutination test (HI), serum neutralization, and IgM capture ELISA. But this is only bermanfaant serology is used for epidemiological and research interests, not useful for practical purposes everyday clinical.

Chikungunya fever include? Self Limiting Disease? or illness that resolves on its own. There is no vaccine or specific drug for this disease. Treatment given only symptomatic therapy or eliminate the symptoms of the disease, such as pain relievers or fever as class paracetamol . Should avoid the use of similar drugs aspirin. Antibiotics are not needed in this case. Use of antibiotics to prevent secondary infection is not considered useful. To improve the general condition of the patient is recommended to eat nutritious foods, especially carbohydrates and sufficient protein and drink as much as possible. Expand consume fresh fruit or fresh fruit juice.

Granting immunity-enhancing vitamins may be beneficial for the treatment of disease. In addition to vitamins, foods that contain enough protein and carbohydrates also increase endurance. Endurance is good and adequate rest can accelerate the healing of disease. Also advised to drink lots of fluids to address the need to increase the time of fever.

The only way to avoid this disease is to eradicate mosquitoes carrying the virus. This mosquito, happy to live and breed in stagnant water such as a bathtub, flower vases, and also cans or bottles that hold water.

Black and white patterned mosquito is also happy to live in objects such as clothes hanging on the back door. In addition, this mosquito also enjoys place dark and stuffy.

Given the spreading of this disease is the mosquito Aedes aegypti then the best way to break the chain of transmission is to combat the mosquito, as is often suggested in the fight against dengue fever.

Insecticide used to kill mosquitoes is from malathion group, whereas themopos larvae-larvae to turn off.

Malathion is used by way of fumigation, not by spraying into the wall. This is because the Aedes aegypti do not like to rest on the walls, but the hanging objects. However, prevention is cheap and effective way to combat mosquitoes is to drain the clean water reservoirs, bath, flower vases and so on, at least once a week, since mosquitoes are breeding from the egg to mature within a period of 7-10 days .

Yard or gardens around the house must be clean of objects that allow rainwater clean, especially during the rainy season like now. Doors and windows should be open every day, from morning till evening, so that fresh air and sunlight to enter, resulting in the exchange of air and healthy lighting. Thus, creating an ideal environment for the mosquitoes. How to prevent an outbreak of chikungunya is to reduce outbreaks of mosquito ketahap maximum. This includes breeding larvae destroy the nest to stop the life cycle and transmission. There are various ways to protect yourself from mosquito bites, among others:

Individual prevention can be done in a special way as the use of skin ointment (insect repellent) containing the active ingredient DEET or other EPA. The use of long sleeves and long pants are also recommended for certain areas in the state is an increase in cases, bed use mosquito nets and mosquito ambush on casement pairs.

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